
Google Contacts Gets Dark Theme: Here's How To Enable it

google contacts dark mode is here

Google recently admitted its lapse in encouraging developers to use white color in their apps until appointment but is now correcting this error by itself taking the get-go step and adding "dark theme" to all of its apps – one at a time.

The company had already introduced the new Cloth Theme and night way for Google News and Letters recently, but Contacts is the latest one to go the much-awaited dark theme pick. It arrived with the version three.2 update and here's how y'all can enable information technology right now:

Enable Dark Theme in Google Contacts

The process to enable the 'dark theme' in Google Contacts is pretty elementary as you don't need to jump into or scour through any settings.

You only need to open the hamburger menu on the left and tap the new 'Turn dark theme on' option. Once you lot have tapped it, the whole UI goes to a night grey instantly, with pastel colour contact pictures that I adore.

Google Contacts Gets Dark Theme: Here's How To Enable it

If you do not come across the dark theme choice correct later installing the app, just hop into the Settings and 'Force Close' the app and re-open it. This should do the trick and the dark theme will go available for y'all.

Likes and Dislikes

This dark theme, every bit seen below, is similar to what we accept already seen in previous app updates from Google. It'southward not the pure blackness theme, which is more than AMOLED friendly, but slightly on the gray side that goes great with the pastel color of the contact icons. This is how the light and dark themes compare:

Google Contacts Gets Dark Theme: Here's How To Enable it

As for when yous jump into any of these contacts, the pastel blue colour of the icons goes well with the overall night theme, but there's one massive issue. The Phone app is still to get the dark way and y'all'll jump straight to a bright white screen if you cull to call someone.

google contacts 3

The Contacts app with nighttime mode is steadily rolling out to everyone, but if you would like to try information technology out right abroad and then download the latest v3.2 APK from APK Mirror. And, tell the states your thoughts on it in the comments down below.


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