
How to delete your Google+ profile before Google shuts it down - atkinsprelf1982

Google+ whitethorn be a punchline in the social-network world, just there's something seriously wrong with it. For the second time in as many months, Google has announced that Google+ has been hit with some other information leak, and this one is way worse than the high.

According to a blog post, some 52.5 million users are affected by this latest data breach, 100X more users than the 500,000 who were exposed during the last data leak. Like inalterable time, strained users had their public figure, netmail name and address, occupation, and age unclothed to third-party developers, regardless of whether their account was set to private. Google blames the passing water along a bug and says it was fixed within a week of being introduced.

Google says the breach was limited to personal profile information and "did not give developers access to selective information such as business enterprise data, national identification numbers, passwords, or similar information typically used for fraud or identity theft." Additionally, IT is certain the hemipteron has been patched and claims at that place is no evidence that developers who had access to the information misused it in whatever way.

In response, Google will personify terminative Google+ even originally. Piece the companionship previously announced it would be closing Google+ in August likewise every bit implementing an array of security system features, it will forthwith shutter the service in April, four months ahead of docket. Information technology will as wel sundown completely Google+ Genus Apis within 90 days.

Only that's not good sufficiency. Google itself admits that some 90 percent of all Google+ user Sessions are to a lesser degree five seconds in duration, so if no one's truly using it, why not shut it down right directly or at least away the destruction of 2018? Safekeeping it open at this point is dangerous to users' private information, especially considering that both of these breaches involved users whose profiles were set to private.

google delete profile Google

You can delete your Google+ profile and ward of any coming data leaks.

So if you lack to close up your account permanently—and we advocate that you do—here's how to coiffe it:

  • Log into your Google+ story at
  • Click the hamburger-like menu icon in the top left corner
  • Go to Settings
  • Scroll entirely the way down to Account at the rear of the page
  • Tap Delete your Google+ profile
  • Swear your password
  • Check the box: Yes, I sympathise that deleting the Google+ visibility for [your profile] can't be disorganised and the data I delete give notice't be restored
  • Chink Delete.

And that's information technology. Deleting your Google+ profile South Korean won't have an effect on your Google account, and you won't be subjected to any more Google+ data breaches.


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