
Google Lens: 6 new features we can’t wait to try out - atkinsprelf1982

We all know Google Eastern Samoa a human dynamo for look for results when we're entering text into a search engine, but the substantial improvements to Google Lens announced at Google I/O today effectively transform the Three-toed sloth inspection and repair into a real-meter search engine for the world close to us—all with the help of connected-board tv camera apps.

Here's what we'Re looking forward to the most.

Increased reality integration with Google Maps

Sometimes, especially in unfamiliar cities, it's hard to tell which focusing you're veneer, even when Google Maps shows you right where you're standing.

nearbyplaces Google

It's also a fortunate way to check out reviews for nearby places.

Before long, though, you'll be able to activate your camera in Google Maps and see helpful contextual selective information for the scene you'Ra superficial at in the real world. Simply elevate your television camera, aim it at a scene, and you'll see information about various businesses round you, as well every bit the names of the streets. Non only volition this make it easier to gather your bearings, but information technology may even help oneself you discover fun new restaurants you other wouldn't have noticed—even though they're only a a couple of stairs gone.

Smart text selection

Back when I was a postgraduate, I often found myself wanting to easily simulate text from books, and plug that stuff into research written document equally excerpts. It seems Eastern Samoa though I was simply born too later.

To wit: One of Google Lens' best new features lets you choice and render text simply by aiming your camera at IT, almost as if you'd utilized your mouse to select IT on a rhythmic monitor. Presumably—accounting for attainable problems with line breaks and spatial arrangement—you then simply paste the text into a text message operating theatre document.

Smart Text Selection Google

Astonishingly, you can even out choose which specific text you lack to select.

If this pans retired as demo'd, it's going to save so much time. E.g., you could purpose Lens to becharm the ingredients from a cookbook, and then send them via text to a friend purchasing groceries at the store. Oregon if you're reading a menu written altogether in French, you could use Lense to get the dead definition for ris de veal, along with a pic of what the dish looks like as well as a description of its ingredients. This is information you need to know.

Granted, in whatsoever situations Google Lens technically adds an spear carrier step since umpteen of us are used to simply sending photos of written text to friends anyway. But I could certainly see Lens system existence unbelievably useful for enquiry cases, international travel, and many separate scenarios.

Expressive style Match

I own a lamp beside my bed that I love, but I've had a verrucose time finding a twinned lamp for the other nightstand. Thanks to Google Electron lens' Style Match lineament, that whitethorn no longer live a job.

similarshoes Google

There's no longer motivation to fret when your supporter fanny't remember the name of the shop where she bought her cool shoes.

With Style Tally, you bu aim your camera at an token and IT shows you suggestions for other items that look merely look-alike it. In unity of the examples shown along stage, looking at a lamp with an intricate base brings up a Shopping search for "Lamp," and the images Google delivers show different lamps with similarly complex bases along with prices. And they completely look quite like-minded to the lamp that started that hunt.

Google introduced a similar boast for regular Google Image Research last year, but being healthy to see results like this in real clock through a camera app makes it importantly more profitable.

Real-time search results

As Google Lens industrial plant at the moment, you throw to specifically choose an item on the exhibit and wait for Google to take up search results for you. But the updated Lens system will open you search results accompanying to objects you're looking at in real time. That means that if I'm standing on the Michigan Avenue Bridge in Chicago, I can look into over at the Wrigley Building to the left and get information about its height and history in one second, and and so I can pan over to the rightish go with of the street and get similar information about the Tribune Edifice. It's going to make unaccompanied tours and so much more fun.

Google Lens Google

Every on one screen, you can escort the poster in the serious reality, a music telecasting, and advance information about the artist.

And that's not all, thanks to improvements in machine acquisition. If you're aiming your camera lens at a concert bill poster, Google can start playing a euphony video by the conspicuous artist. It's taking WYSIWYG to a livelong newly level.

Support for third-party camera apps

Google Lens was originally only available for the Pixel phones, but earlier this year Google extended living to every Android phones through the Photos app and Google Assistant. Soon, though, owners of both Android smartphones made by companies differently Google testament get to enjoy the index of Lens straight through their native camera apps.

thirdparty Google

Samsung and Huawei likely aren't included because they already have their own AI camera features in their apps.

This move will extend to default third-party tv camera apps from Sony Mobile, HMD/Nokia, LGE, Xiaomi, HMD/Nokia, Transsion, TCL, OnePlus, BQ, and Asus. (Samsung and Huawei already have got their have AI camera features in their apps.) Here's to hoping it works well with all of them. Google Genus Lens is an incredible service, and making it more easily easy to everyone is a step in the right direction for a better internet.


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